Everything we do should help ensure that no one feels alone, bullied or excluded in society
The LoPe association was founded to increase support for core values such as charity, human dignity and peace-building activities. LoPe's basic premise is that charity and human dignity are best created in a living democracy.
We want people of all nationalities to become more aware of how to counter anti-democratic political currents by creating a greater understanding of the value of inclusion, tolerance and dialogue, and the prevention of attitudes and behaviors that threaten our coexistence.
The cultural shock of arriving in Norway as a refugee can be brutal, and the integration process can take a long time. It is known from research that slow and/or ineffective integration creates a sense of hopelessness and frustration on the part of the individuals themselves, with a basis for negative consequences such as mental illness, disease, unemployment, lack of self-care, etc. At the same time, failure to integrate refugees and immigrants into Norwegian society will give rise to prejudice, condemnation and racism. It is in everyone's interest to make the integration process as efficient and smooth as possible.
LoPe is an open, low-threshold offer to help solve everyday problems. They may seem small and insignificant to people who know how to deal with them individually. But when such tasks seem unsolvable and pile up in large quantities, they will put pressure on the overall quality of life. People with everyday challenges get stuck in their unsolved problems - that's why LoPe works with micro-integration - each individual should be seen and heard, and thus have the energy to further integrate into society.
With the concept of micro-integration, LoPe is a new form of non-profit organization, a social entrepreneur, a new player in the welfare state that differs sharply from so-called "welfare profiteers".
"where LoPe's goal is not to make a profit, but to create social value - both for the local community and the individual user of the service.
Many organizations and public agencies work with different parts of the integration process; language, work, family protection, etc. Nevertheless, a number of individual challenges can take the attention and steal energy from the individual, thus "paralyzing" parts of the integration. LoPe will capture such challenges and work directly with the individual in everyday life - micro-integration.
From its inception in 2016 to 2024, LoPe's team has expanded considerably, and as of now the association has a doctor in international politics, social worker, economist, filmmaker and photographer in various job percentages linked to its operations. They also have broad communication skills, and Norwegian, English, German, Romanian, Kurdish and Arabic are used in the association's daily operations. This means that the association has several legs to stand on and can tailor services depending on the user's problem.

Peri-Ilka Tincman, 48, is the association's founder and CEO. She holds a PhD in International Politics from the University of Salzburg, Austria and has management experience from the central administration of the Ministry of Education Salzburg/Austria. Peri is German/Turkish and grew up with a Muslim father and Christian mother. In Norway, she has worked as an associate professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway. She has extensive experience from working with immigrants, in projects through the Erasmus program, and from Folkeuniversitetet where she worked as a supervisor, project manager and Erasmus coordinator.
Through growing up and working, Peri has first-hand experience, and has herself experienced the need for a new service that ensures immigrants a faster, smoother and cost-effective integration into everyday life and the local environment.
Elena Mandica Minescu, 42, has a bachelor's degree in accounting and management from Ploiesti, Romania. She has worked with payroll and human resources for many years and has a good understanding of systems and administrative work. Elena is structured and in control of applications and advanced paperwork. She interprets Romanian when needed.
Board of directors
Peri-Ilka Tincman
Chairman of the board

Silje Svalastog Haakonsen
Board member

Roy Helge Aune
Board member

Monika Haugerød Steinsholt
Board member